Last night I took photographs for the Hive’s monthly networking event for entrepreneurs.
The Hive is really cool as it is free to attend, very relaxed and held monthly in Melbourne and Brisbane. Each month they also have a speaker making it worth going, if you want to get inspired! Last night was the founder of
Flexicar, Monique Conheady. Flexicar is an awesome car sharing initiative. Check it out if you are considering a new car, only need a second car occasionally or want a cost effective alternative to Taxis or rental cars. It might save you money and the added bonus is it’s great for the environment!
Back to The Hive…
The guys had been taking photos of the event on their iphones, which “surprisingly” they weren’t getting images that illustrated the relaxed atmosphere of the event or the crowds they were pulling in. So along came me… and even though I had an iphone in my pocket, I used my slr to capture a few images (some seen in this post) which I think might better illustrate the event…
Leave a comment if you’d like to defend the iphone’s camera quality!

I swear by the iPhone – the camera fits in my pocket a bit easier than an SLR.. I won’t defend the camera quality but I’ll certainly advocate it’s mobility and connectivity!
Liz – these photos are amazing! You’ve been able to capture some great moments – even with the very low light in the venue. Well done and I look forward to seeing you at the next event! Sam