Telegram are importers/distributors of paper goods which they carefully hand pick from local and international designers (and even have a hand in designing some themselves). When I photographed them recently, they were really excited about a beautiful world map they’d commissioned – project they were clearly passionate about. It is so inspiring to meet people who are passionate about what they do.
Paper Portraits

I am a self-confessed stationery addict. I’m not sure what it is about stationery, but I am sure it’s something you either love or don’t particularly care about. I definitely love it. I love to pick it up; I love using big loopy handwriting to write a letter, jot down thoughts or ideas or doodle kid-like illustrations. When you meet people who’ve made stationary their business, I naturally think it’s a sign of good character. Matt and Scott of Telegram are just that. Genuinely lovely, they seem to always have me in fits and giggles, possibly not because they are particularly “funny” but they make you feel so relaxed and are so welcoming you can’t help but laugh and have a good time!
Really like these shots Liz, very clean and modern. Love the close ups.
I’m also a paper person and love to meet fellow addicts 🙂