And as I was saying… I get to meet some really interesting people in my line of work. Dom is a lawyer by trade but he has a passion for documentary film making. Recently he went to Mongolia and filmed a documentary there. I don’t know about you but last time I was in Mongolia I ended up lost in the Gobi desert with a blue combi 70s van as transport and a driver who we affectionately called Shamus. But that is another story…
Dom was there on a much more important mission. He was documenting the changes in Mongolia due to urbanisation. He made a documentary and magazines wanted to write about him so we took some photos for them!

In case any of you are wondering “what blue combie?”
Here are a few photos I look in Mongolia when I was there in about 2005. These are taken on film… remember those days?

The sky in the middle one is amazing!
Now Mongolia is definately on my bucket list!!