1.What do you do? Tell us a bit about what you do.
I’m a financial planner and a mortgage broker. I tend to meet people when they have big changes going on in their life, like buying a house, having kids, retiring, changing jobs, starting a business. I help people sort out where they are money-wise and help them on their path financially. So a simple example might be: if someone has a home with a mortgage, I could find a mortgage that better suits their needs – say it has a lower interest rate. Then that person can use that extra money to support their next step. I might then help them with how to use that extra money….
2.Tell me about how you got into your field.
In my first career I was an Environmental Engineer, and had a variety of interesting roles. I ended up in fairly senior corporate roles – but had the feeling something was missing. I actually spent a lot of time ‘trying careers on’. I researched careers I might like, and then found places I’d like to work, and got work experience with them – which was brilliant! One year I spent my entire year’s holidays doing that. I settled on Financial Services because it suits my strengths of connecting with people, and then working out a way to make things work better for them. The end goal is to help people through life somehow.
My business is about helping good people do great things. Now that I’m running my own business, I’m looking to work with community groups that improve environmental and social outcomes. I want to help the community group members with their finances, but at the same time, contribute back financially to the community organisation, so that it can better achieve it’s aim. That’s my idea of business nirvana at the moment.

3. Why did you choose to have professional profile photos taken and what will you use your portraits for?
If I’m going to help people with their finances, people need to feel they can trust me. When people are first discovering me – sending an email, checking my website – it’s a lot easier to trust me if they can see me! So my photos are for those practical aspects of communicating and connecting with people.
4. Why did you choose to hire Lizzy C Photography?
I used Lizzy C because I’d seen her work with people I know. I already knew that Liz has an incredible knack for making people look their authentic best. By that I mean that in Lizzy C’s photos, not only do people look their best, but they have a relaxed quality that seems to somehow bring out their character in the images. It was a very simple decision for me.
5. Tell us about your experience working with her. Were you happy with the results of your shoot?
Liz is easy and fun to be around. She’s also funny. I noticed that Liz is very creative in her thinking and tried quite a few different visual scenarios: different props, lighting, camera settings, backgrounds, photos taken inside and outside, different backgrounds outside. Liz has lots of ideas to get the best picture. I’m quite a curious person and like to understand how things work – but I think most people wouldn’t notice Liz doing all that stuff because you’re having so much fun talking. The main feeling you come away with is that you’ve just caught up with someone for a bit of a chat and a laugh. I really enjoyed the experience of my photo shoot.