Time sure flies when you are having fun! 10 years ago, Lizzy C Photography was born and from very humble beginnings that’s fore sure. 10 years ago I moved back to my home town of Melbourne with the dream of self employment and working as a full time photographer. I’d given up a great and very rare position as an in house University photographer in Queensland. It was an exciting but nerve wracking time.
I remember those early days so clearly, I immediately set to work “starting a business” in the spare room of our flat in North Fitzroy. I had no idea of what I was doing and I very quickly realised that I needed a crash course on how to run a business. Simply saying I am now open for business was not enough. It was clear that even though I had a degree in Photography and experience working as a photographer I was very ill-prepared for being self employed! I signed up to lots of short business courses and soaked up all the knowledge I could including seminars held by the ATO. As a fresh faced 25 year old, I was eager to learn and besides I had heaps of time as I didn’t have many clients in those very first days. I also got myself a business adviser, Kate James from total balance and built a network of friends and colleagues who were also self employed.
Very quickly I got sick of working from home and needed a space to work and shoot from. I moved to Fitzroy, then eventually to Collingwood and then to West Melbourne where I am currently based.

I’ve been very fortunate to work with some fabulous people. Vanessa Ashby, our admin assistant and all round studio manager came on board in those early days too and she still works for me to this day. She has been a great asset to Lizzy C Photography and it’s success. Clara worked for me for many years as an assistant and did all the post production until she packed up house and started travelling around Australia. She is still on the road and a huge inspiration to me! Emma was fabulous too until she got a exciting opportunity to work in Alice Springs as a photo journalist. I was the dill that gave her a great reference! In all seriousness, I couldn’t respect her more for chasing her photography dream and I enjoy following her journey in Alice. She has does some remote work for me too when she can!

Lizzy C Photography has definitely had some highs and lows and I often say that business is “challenging but rewarding” and even though there have been some really challenging times I really wouldn’t have it any other way. Being my own boss is the best! I choose the direction the business takes, the work I do and most importantly how many holidays I take! We’ve also changed over the years. We no longer do weddings and Commercial Focus was born and then more recently One Fine Print but one thing is very clear.
I am grateful to every single one of my one of my clients who have made it possible to do what I do. You guys are the best. Thank you.