We often receive enquiries from people telling us they require just one photo of themselves. However, when we delve deeper and ask the right questions we find that clients may not have considered some of the following factors when deciding how many photos they actually needed.
Here are some ideas worth considering when figuring out how many photos you actually need.
Where will you use your profile portrait be used?
Is it for LinkedIn? Have you considered your other social media profiles or business social pages? LinkedIn profile photos are quite small and generally a close up simple portrait works best. But for other social profiles you might like something more relaxed. Also, consider if you do or would like to do speaking engagements, conferences or write articles as these also may require photos to be provided. Think about what style of portrait would suit these opportunities. Will one photo cover all these platforms?

Are you seeking press coverage or if an opportunity came up to be profiled in the media are you ready?
You are much more likely to be featured in magazines, newspapers or online publications if you can supply a newsworthy photo to accompany your story. Media like editorial/lifestlye style images which include some environment/interest. They shy away from a studio headshot which may be more preferable for say LinkedIn.

Do you get bored of looking the same all the time?
If you have just one photo. Will you get sick of using it over and over again? It may feel like wearing the same outfit everyday and not being able to change your look. It is likely, that once you have a professional photo you’ll find plenty of places to use it. Think of all the places online that you are the anonymous silohette profile image. With new profile photos at your disposal, you’ll now be able to put your mug in place! This means the same photo could potentially be featuring on your website, LinkedIn, newsletter, media interview, conference paper, business card, marketing materials, facebook and twitter. Sick of it yet?
Considering you are going to all the trouble of doing a photo shoot it could be nice to have a few images you could rotate through or match appropriately to the platform?

Have you considered if you need a landscape or portrait image. People often also use their portrait as the cover image for LinkedIn or Facebook as well as their profile image. For websites, web developers love having a selection of images to work with. For example, they may use your portrait as a banner image across the website or on the home page as well as a different portrait on the about us or team page.

It’ll be hard to pick
Lastly, we’ll take so many great photos of you it will be hard to pick “just one photo!”
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