The start of a new year is traditionally a time of renewal and change.
Many of us start to turn our attention towards things that need to change. Is your professional portrait one of the things you would like to change this year?
If so, we can help you with this.

3 Reasons you should consider a professional portrait this year
1. Your current photo is from 10 years ago. Does it convey your current professional experience and knowledge? Do you talk about being forward thinking but you are wearing an 80’s power suit in your current profile photo.
2. Clients & colleagues find you online but your current selfie/party snap/wedding portrait does not match your branding and professional persona.
3. You have an impressive LinkedIn profile which includes your education, work experience and training but the first thing potential employers will see is a profile portrait which looks like you had too many beers at the pub last night.
It’s a new year, a new decade and a new you!